When deciding how you plan to replace your missing teeth, you cannot help but prefer the many great benefits that come with dental implants in Cambridge. From improved oral health and functionality to permanence and longevity, it’s no surprise they are the gold standard for tooth replacement. But will it hurt to undergo the surgical process that is necessary to put them into place? A local oral surgeon shares why there is nothing to be afraid of when receiving dental implants and why the process is actually much less painless than you might think.
(more…)Muskingum Valley Oral Surgery Blog
Will It Hurt to Have Dental Implants Put Into Place?
March 8, 2021
How Many Dental Implants Do I Need to Replace My Teeth?
February 3, 2021
Every patient is different. Thus, the requirements for tooth replacement can vary significantly. When you visit an implant dentist, you can expect a fully customized approach to meeting your restorative needs. One of the key factors that will be taken into consideration is the number of implants you’ll need to reconstruct your smile. Continue reading to find out how this is determined and to learn about the different options available.
(more…)Are You Too Old to Replace Your Teeth with Dental Implants?
By far, dental implants are the most effective way of replacing missing teeth. They leave patients with a functional and natural looking smile that boosts their confidence. Still, you’re wondering if you’re too old to have the procedure done. As you continue reading, an implant dentist discusses the issue of age affecting eligibility for dental implantation. You may be surprised at what you find out!
(more…)Why Jawbone Preservation Matters with Tooth Replacement
January 25, 2021
You’ve heard that old saying you don’t what you’ve got until it’s gone, right? It’s definitely true when it comes to your teeth. If you’re like 36 million Americans with no natural teeth at all, however, you quickly find out that you need to adapt how you eat, speak, and smile. And beneath the surface, your jawbone needs support to remain healthy.
Fortunately, you have options for replacing your missing teeth. But are dentures enough? Can dentures help with jawbone preservation? Do dental implants really make a significant difference? How can you choose between dentures or implants in Marietta? Read on to find out!
(more…)CBCT: The Best of Dental Implant Technology
January 6, 2021
With smartphones, Alexa or Google Home, smart appliances, and other technology, everyday tasks have become much easier and more efficient these days. A simple device can make the complex feel more straightforward. Although you may not be aware of it yet, in the field of dentistry, technology has made huge strides toward better care, especially when it comes to tooth replacements and oral surgery. You may not stand in long lines for hours waiting to take advantage of the latest dental implant technology in Marietta, but you’ll appreciate a provider who has it when you need it most.
(more…)6 Activities You Can Do After a Tooth Extraction
December 13, 2020
If you need oral surgery, like tooth extractions in Marietta, OH, you’re going to need to spend a few days recovering. Your oral surgeon will limit your activities while you heal. After a couple of days, you might feel like you’re going stir-crazy; however, there are many fun activities you can do to pass the time. Here’s a list of the top 6 activities patients enjoy while recovering from their extraction.
What Happens After Dental Implant Placement? Find Out Here!
December 4, 2020
Have you decided to restore your smile with dental implants? Then you probably already know about the many benefits of implants, including their maximum stability and natural appearance. However, while you are busy dreaming of your beautiful future smile, don’t forget to plan for the first few days after your implant placement procedure. Oh, you hadn’t thought that far ahead? Don’t worry! An implant dentist in Marietta, OH answers some of the most common questions regarding implant aftercare below.
(more…)Ways to Enjoy the Holidays While Recovering from a Tooth Extraction
November 24, 2020
If you’re using your time off this season to have a tooth extraction in Marietta, OH, you may be wondering how you can still enjoy the holiday festivities while recovering at home. Although it may require packing additional over-the-counter medication and a cold compress, it is possible to have fun without compromising the healing process. Read on to find out what tips you can follow to keep your oral health in check while preparing to ring in the New Year with the ones you love.
(more…)How Long Does It Take for Dental Implants to Fuse with Bone?
November 4, 2020
It’s true that the dental implant process takes time. From the initial consultation to surgical placement to receiving your final restoration, you can be looking at several months of appointments and recovery before you get to enjoy your brand-new smile. Fortunately, it is well worth the investment in time and money. But how long does it really take for these unique restorations to fuse properly with the bone? An implant dentist in Marietta, OH, explains how long you can expect osseointegration to take and why it’s an integral part of the entire process.
(more…)How to Overcome Your Fear of Tooth Extraction
October 24, 2020
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed or even afraid when learning you need a tooth extraction in Marietta, OH. No one sets out to have a tooth removed, but when recommended by a professional, you can trust it is necessary to improve your oral health. But what can you do to minimize your fears? A local expert explains what they can do to alleviate anxiety as well as what steps you can take to better prepare physically and mentally for your upcoming procedure.